So, I found this nifty little meme over at
Bookaholic Does Blogging...I really enjoyed the interesting questions and the fun responses. So I thought I'd give it a go!
Meme: 'My Need To Read' Reading Style
Hardback, trade paperback or mass market paperback?
I love to have hardbacks on my bookshelves, but I love to read trades or mass markets. Hardbacks are a pain to carry around in your bag in numbers greater than 1.
Barnes & Noble or Borders?
I don't know WHY, but I never really clicked with B&N. When I had easy access to either one, I could always be found at Borders. I always appreciated their (free) frequent buyer program, and would plan my visits around receipt of a new e-coupon or special deal. ^_^
Bookmark or dog-ear?
I won't even consider dog-ears. The notion gives me the willies. One thing I abhor is lending a book and getting it back with evidence of dog-earing.
Amazon or brick-and-mortar?
Nothing, absolutely nothing, will replace the fantastic experience of browsing through aisles and popping out books to take a gander at. Amazon is great as a money saver, but the LBS is a haven as much as it is a place to buy books.
Alphabetize by author, or alphabetize by title, or random?
I group by book type/genre... but that's about it. Which is a bit funny, given that I'd spent a good 5 years working in a'd think I'd be all over some form of order.
Keep, throw away, or sell?
Give away or trade. If I
really love it, then I keep. Not sure if I can remember ever selling a book.
Keep dust jacket or toss it? even suggest it! Of course I keep!
Read with dust jacket or remove it?
Definitely remove it. Nothing is sadder than a tattered dust jacket.
Short story or novel?
Novel! Some of my favorite short stories just make me want there to be more to read about. D'oh!
Harry Potter or Lemony Snicket?
Harry Potter, but of course (sorry Lemony).
Stop reading when tired or at chapter breaks?
I like to read until I hit a natural narrative break. If that happens to be at the end of a chapter or scene, fine.
“It was a dark and stormy night” or “Once upon a time”?
"It was a dark and stormy night" can always get better. "Once upon a time" always seems to get worse. ^_^
Buy or borrow?
Buy, although borrowing allows my wallet to sleep easier at night. ^__^
Buying choice: book reviews, recommendations, or browse?
A combo of the three, really. But these days, I just don't have the guts to buy a book before I check some of the impressions of my GoodReads peeps and various users that I "follow." I don't mind not the change...the resulting purchases are almost always a good time.
Tidy ending or cliffhanger?
Mostly tidy ending. I like to have some threads leading into the next book. But having the
main plot thread be resolved is nice.
Morning reading, afternoon reading, or nighttime reading?
The best is reading late at night when all have gone to bed (up til 3 or 4am...maybe even 5? ^_^). Unfortunately, it's also impractical if one wishes to lead any sort of socially acceptable schedule. So I'd say evening.
Stand-alone or series?
Series series series! I love characters, and get attached frequently. So series allow me to indulge that.
Favorite series?
Hm. As of late, I love the
Chicagoland Vampires and
Parasol Protectorate series.
Favorite children’s book?
Tikki Tikki Tembo; the version re-told by Arlene Mosel and illustrated by Blair Lent. Say Tikki's full name five-times fast! ^_^
Favorite YA book?
Aw, crap. I have no clue. I guess
Poison Study...officially noted as YA, though I'd personally not classify it as such.
Favorite book of which nobody else has heard?, crap. I dunno! I have favorite books, but they're also most beloved and well-known.
Favorite book read last year?
Since it's the end of the year, I'll take this to mean "over this last year." Which would make the choice easy:
The Iron Duke by Meljean Brook. Oh, how that book knocked my flippin' socks off.
Favorite books of all time?
I have two:
Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card and
Pride and Prejudice by you-already-know-who.
What are you reading right now?
Tempest's Legacy by Nicole Peeler. It's fun as always. An issue with characters has me a little annoyed, but some things can't be my reading neuroses.
What are you reading next?
I'd really like to jump into this copy of Jim Butcher's
Full Moon that I've had for a while....but with the new year will come some great releases so I can't guarantee I'll actually stick to the pre-planned order.
Favorite book to recommend to an 11-year-old?
R.L. Stine's
Goosebumps series. Great way to ease a kid into paranormal and horror. ^__^
Favorite book to re-read?
Ender's Game. And I cry every time.
Do you ever smell books?
I sure do, I'm not ashamed to say. I love the smell of a new book. And there's something rather special about the natural smell of library book stacks.
Do you ever read primary source documents like letters or diaries?
Not really...but I wouldn't mind doing so for certain historical figures. Jane Austen comes to mind.
l HATE tattered dust jacket too and series are often better because you get to be like friends with the characters!