Who would you rather borrow from? Your library? Or a Friend?(Question from Nov. 18 "Booking Through Thursday" meme)
(Or don’t your friends trust you to return their books?)
And, DO you return books you borrow?

I rarely borrow books from friends, even when they are specifically offered to me...one big reason being that I feel (self-imposed) pressure of sorts. I don't mind my own books being well-loved, with cracks in the spine or folded pages (it's naturally what happens when reading a book, after all)...but for some reason I freak out about similarly affecting someone else's book. I also feel a little pressure when someone offers to lend me a book they "absolutely loved." I know it makes little sense, but if I accept someone's generous offer of lending their beloved book, I feel a tinge guilty if I end up not liking or (gasp!) not finishing. Hm. I don't quite understand my own hangups, since I will lend books freely and don't mind if they take a long while to come back to me.
What I really enjoy is a permanent book swap. I finish reading a book and swap it with a friend or colleague (or two of my husband's cousins, who share my book preferences ^_^). The book becomes mine, there are no time-lines attached, and if I don't like the title I can swap it away again. Easy-peasy!
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